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Language Assistance

What is a Language Assistance?

Translation is written imageLanguage Assistance is a translation and interpreting service for families and school staff to overcome language barriers and improve communication. The purpose is to engage families in the educational process and activities in a meaningful way.

Notice of Language Assistance:

  • English: Free Interpreting / Translation services are available for families. (812) 961-7500

  • Español (Spanish): Servicios gratuitos de interpretación / traducción están disponibles para las familias. (812) 961-7500

  • 한국어 (Korean): 통역과 번역은 가족들을 위하여 무료로 제공됩니다. (812) 961-7500

  • 中文 (Chinese): 为家庭提供免费的口译/笔译服务 (812) 961-7500

  • (812) 961-7500 خدمات الترجمة متوفرة الان مجانا للعوائل :(Arabic) العربية

For Families Who Need an Interpreter:

Call: (812) 961-7500  

     Press 1 for Español (Spanish)  

     Press 2 for 한국어 (Korean)  

     Press 3 for 中文 (Chinese)  

     Press 4 for العربية (Arabic)  

     Press 5 for Other languages


For Staff:

Interpreter Request Form

Legal Standard

Title VI applies to all school districts that are recipients of federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education and broadly prohibits districts from subjecting students to discrimination based on race, color, or national origin.

In Lau v. Nichols, 414 U.S. 563 (1974), the Supreme Court determined that where the inability to speak and understand the English language excludes national-origin minority students from effective participation in educational programs, districts must take affirmative steps to ensure that such English learners can meaningfully participate in the district’s educational programs and services to comply with Title VI.

Districts must ensure that limited English proficient (LEP) parents/guardians have meaningful access to the district’s enrollment and registration process and other educational programs and services in a language they can understand.


MCCSC embraces cultural and linguistic diversity, with students representing 65 countries and 70 heritage languages other than English (August 2022). Among the students whose heritage language is other than English, approximately 44% are English learners (66% in K-6 and 34% in grades 7-12).

The top 5 languages are Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Arabic, and Vietnamese. Approximately 60% of the students represent the following four languages: Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and Arabic.

Parents/guardians may request translation and interpreting services at no cost. Schools must be prepared to arrange services for families who may need language assistance.


% of Students

Spanish 24%
Chinese 15%
Korean 14%
Arabic 7%
Other Languages 40%


Bilingual Interpreters on Staff

We have the following language interpreters on staff. An over-the-phone interpreting service is used for all other languages. An interpreter can be requested by phone or email. Please provide the interpreter with details of the service needs. 

Our Staff Speak the Following Languages

Español (Spanish)

한국어 (Korean)

中文 (Chinese)

日本語 (Japanese)

Over-the-Phone Interpreting Service (Propio)

School staff can connect with qualified interpreters in more than 300 languages over the phone quickly when the service is needed. Authorized personnel are familiar with how to access the Remote interpreting service.

Talking Points Messaging Translation Service

Teachers and administrators can communicate with families in their home languages to build strong partnerships all year long. TalkingPoints is currently offering message translation in more than 140 languages on the platform.

How It Works:

  1. Teachers/staff can send messages to an entire class or individual in English.

  2. The messages are automatically translated and sent to the parents.

  3. The parents receive messages in their home language.

  4. The parents can then reply to the message in their home language using their phone.

  5. Translations happen automatically in between and the teachers receive messages from families in English.

Translation Service

Interpreters/translators on staff and through a translation company provide translation services. Service requests can be sent to the Language Assistance contact person.

The translation should be considered if a written document is for:

  • District-wide or school-wide communication

  • Emergency or critical communication

  • A significant number of limited English speakers in the audience

Examples of Document Translation

  • Enrollment related forms

  • Parent rights-related documents

  • Required parent notification letters

  • Student expectations, code of conduct

  • Student-parent handbooks