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Assessment Overview

The Monroe County Community School Corporation values the importance of data to drive our instruction.  This data provides concrete evidence and valuable insights as related to teaching and learning.  Our schools look at data as an integral part of our Professional Learning Communities (PLC).  We follow state assessment guidelines as well as required testing for high ability, English language learners, and specific courses (ie. Advanced Placement, etc.).  In addition, we use appropriate diagnostic and formative assessments to target differentiated learning support for our students.  Our staff receives appropriate training for assessments as needed or required.

The Assessment Department is in charge of following guidelines and implementing state testing including ILEARN (grades 3-8), ILEARN Biology, IREAD-3 (grade 3), I AM (grades 3-8 and 10 for students with significant cognitive disabilities), and ISTEP (grade 10).  Please see the links below for more information on each assessment. 



ILEARN measures student achievement and growth according to Indiana Academic Standards. ILEARN is the summative accountability assessment for Indiana students and assesses:

  • English/Language Arts (Grades 3-8)
  • Mathematics (Grades 3-8)
  • Science (Grades 4 and 6)
  • Social Studies (Grade 5)
  • Biology (High School)



The Indiana Reading Evaluation and Determination (IREAD-3) assessment measures foundational reading standards to Grade 3 students each spring. Based on the Indiana Academic Standards, IREAD-3 is a summative assessment that was developed in accordance with House Enrolled Act 1367 (also known as Public Law 109 in 2010).


I AM measures student achievement and growth according to Indiana’s Content Connectors aligned to the Indiana Academic Standards. I AM is the summative accountability assessment for students with significant cognitive disabilities in grades 3-8 and 10. It assesses:

  • English/Language Arts (Grades 3-8 and 10)
  • Mathematics (Grades 3-8 and 10)
  • Science (Grades 4, 6, and Biology)
  • Social Studies (Grade 5)



Please click here for more information about the WIDA Screener and ACCESS for ELLs assessments.

The WIDA Screener is an English proficiency assessment given to students in grades 1–12 at the time of enrollment in school. The purpose of the assessment is to determine students' eligibility of receiving English language development services. This is an online test.

The ACCESS for ELLs (Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State for English Language Learners) is an annual assessment which is administered each year (January through February) to determine a student's current level of English proficiency. The results of the annual assessment are also used for school accountability purposes. The criteria for fluent English proficiency used in Indiana is an Overall Composite Proficiency Level of 5.0 or higher.