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Computer Science/STEM Overview

The Monroe County Community School Corporation values the enhancement of student learning through hands-on collaboration, problem solving, and the use of technology to prepare our students for the 21st century. Students are encouraged to work with their peers to create and improve prototypes both physically and digitally, integrating engineering, design, and art. One component of this work is computer science. By integrating computer science, which includes digital citizenship, block- and text-based coding, computational thinking, productive technology, and the use of the engineering design process, our students learn to think critically and problem solve as well as be better prepared for the workforce.  A digital learning team helps support teachers at all our schools in the implementation of this instruction into the school day. 

Our work aligns with the Indiana Department of Education's recently released legislation regarding computer science and STEM instruction. 

  • Chemistry
  • Computer tabs
  • Engineering
  • Calculator