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Health Services FAQs

  • Please click this link to view the required immunizations for students.  When you register your student, please turn in a copy of his/her most recent immunization record to the school's Health Office. 

  • For students who have a medical exemption to immunization, please have his/her primary care provider complete the Vaccine Medical Exemption Form.  Turn the completed form into the Health Office at your child’s school.  You may access the Acknowledgement of Conssequences of Incomplete Vaccination form here.

  • Yes, parents may provide FDA approved medications for Health Services staff to administer to the child during the school day.  Parents may bring the medication to the school Health Office along with a completed Medication Authorization Form. 

    To view the MCCSC medication policy, please click here.

  • For the safety of our students, medication will be kept in the school's Health Office.  Exceptions will be made for emergency medications such as epinephrine auto-injectors and albuterol inhalers. A statement from the student’s physician should be provided to the health office for any emergency medication in which a student will self-carry. The physician may notate the student’s medical plan with the authorization to self-carry as well. 

  • At the end of each school year, all medications will need to be picked up from the school's Health Office.  Any medications that are not picked up will be properly disposed of according to procedure. The following school year, medication can be returned to the Health Office with an updated Medication Authorization Form. 

  • When your child is ill, it is important that they have time to rest and recover before returning to school.  See the Note from Health Services for a list of reasons why your child will need to be kept home from school. If you have additional questions, please contact the health office at your child’s school.

  • If your student has temporary restrictions or needs accommodations at school due to injury, please have their primary care provider fax a statement to the school.  The statement should include the needed restrictions and the length of time that the restrictions will need to be in place.