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Computer Science/STEM Programs/Services

Digital Learning Coaches & Computer Science Curriculum

  • Our coaches provide one-on-one assistance with technology ranging from Canvas integration to managing iPads in the classroom. They can help identify apps and other software to enhance the content being taught by classroom teachers. They are also working to enhance our STEM and computer science curriculum. The 2018-2019 school year was the first year of the K-6 Computer Science curriculum that included digital citizenship, coding, a STEM challenge, and productive technology. In middle school, the computer science curriculum will be piloted this year and eventually, it will be integrated into all science courses. Technology coaches are also available to co-teach and model STEM, computer science, and technology-enhanced lessons in classrooms of all grade levels.

4th Grade Maker Challenge

  • All fourth-grade classes participate in the annual Maker Challenge. In 2018, MCCSC partnered with IU Health and their new hospital build. Students could design a device to help a child with a disability, create a model of the children's space in the new hospital, or create a toy for a child in the hospital. Winners were chosen by a panel of judges from the MCCSC and IU Health in several categories including Best Presentation, Most Innovative, and Best Design. In 2019, MCCSC is partnering with the City of Bloomington for an environmental challenge. Fourth graders will create a useful product using only recycled materials. In 2020, students partnered with The Mill, and in 2021 they partnered with the IU School of Education, Eskanazi School of Art, Architecture, + Design, and Hoosier Hills Career Center to do My Machine. In 2022, the students partnered with Uplands Lean Network. 

6th Grade Programming Challenge

  • Four schools piloted a programming challenge with their sixth-grade students during the 2018-2019 school year. This opportunity expanded to all schools in 2019-2020.  During the challenge, students used block-based coding to create programs or apps.  The driving question was, How can we promote a culture of kindness in our school? Everyone was blown away by the great work all our students created and the students really enjoyed participating! 

GEMS (Girls in Engineering, Math, and Science)

  • GEMS is an inclusive event open to all fifth and sixth-grade students in Monroe County. Students can visit the career expo to see a variety of community STEM partners and then engage in exciting lessons with STEM professionals. The event is held annually in the spring. 

VEX Robotics Clubs

  • Several of our elementary schools offer VEX Robotics as an after-school club. Students learn how to build and control robots using teamwork and strategy to compete in events around the state.


  • The first annual MCCSC STEAM Night took place in October 2022, bringing together hundreds of attendees for over 20 engaging and hands-on activities for students and families of all ages. Activities were led by community partners and school personnel.     

STEM to Them

  • The STEM to Them Mobile Lab began visiting all MCCSC elementary schools during the 2021-2022 school year. It goes to each school twice per year, bringing engaging engineering, making, and robotics lessons to every student in grades preK-12. Family volunteers also have an opportunity to work with the students as they learn new STEAM skills tied to the Indiana State Standards.