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Dyslexia Information

Please click here to view our Dyslexia brochure with information about the strategies and supports we use with students in the MCCSC.

Dyslexia Brochure


Please click here to view the MCCSC Parent Talk on Serving Students with Dyslexia in Public Schools video from November 2018.

Video 1 clip


Please click here to view the MCCSC Parent Talk on Serving Students with Dyslexia at the Secondary Level video from February 2019. Click here for the PowerPoint presentation from this Parent Talk.

Video 2 snip


Please click here to see a PowerPoint presentation (May 2019) about Indiana's New Dyslexia Legislation and its Implications and Implementation in the MCCSC. 


Definition of Dyslexia
“A Specific Learning Disability that is neurobiological in origin. It is characterized by difficulties with accurate or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and decoding abilities. These difficulties result from a deficit in the phonological component of language that is often unexpected in relation to other cognitive abilities and the provision of effective classroom instruction.”

In other words…
An unexpected difficulty learning to read despite intelligence, motivation, and appropriate education.

Indiana Dyslexia Law (beginning 2019-20 school year)
Main components include:

  • Universal Screening for dyslexia risk factors
  • Use of Response to Intervention (RtI) process to address needs of students who have characteristics of dyslexia
  • Annual reporting to the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE)
  • District reading specialist trained in dyslexia
  • All teachers receive dyslexia awareness information


Supports for Students
The current framework for providing supports for dyslexia include general education tiers of support monitored by building teams, special education services and IEP provisions, and 504 plan supports and accommodations.

We provide explicit instruction through small group and individual intervention, intentional and systematic progress monitoring, and accommodations such as extended time, text-to-speech, highlighting important text, and chunking assignments into smaller segments.


Dyslexia Resources

Florida Center for Reading Research

International Dyslexia Association

Yale Center for Dyslexia

Understood for Learning and Attention Issues

What is Dyslexia Ted Talk


Contact us if you have additional questions or would like more information regarding dyslexia.

Dyslexia Website Reporting