The Monroe County Community School Corporation (MCCSC) values individual and cultural differences. The ELL Department serves as the information center for students from other cultures and their families regarding questions and concerns about school life. Our programming is tailored to each student's English language proficiency level in order to develop academic English skills for success in school. While addressing academic standards, students have regular opportunities to practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Our department also provides information to MCCSC staff on fostering a respectful learning environment, and implementing curriculum modifications.
The MCCSC offers English as a New Language (ENL) classes for all grades, kindergarten through high school. Additional support services include language assistance (translation and interpreting services), tutoring and homework help, and counseling services that address the newcomers’ needs during their time in the school system such as relationships with peers and staff, or financial issues. Adult ESL classes are offered by the Adult Education to help parents and new community members feel comfortable in their new home.
Notice of Language Assistance:
English: Free Interpreting / Translation services are available for families. (812) 961-7500
Español (Spanish): Servicios gratuitos de interpretación / traducción están disponibles para las familias. (812) 961-7500
한국어 (Korean): 통역과 번역은 가족들을 위하여 무료로 제공됩니다. (812) 961-7500
中文 (Chinese): 为家庭提供免费的口译/笔译服务 (812) 961-7500
(812) 961-7500 خدمات الترجمة متوفرة الان مجانا للعوائل :(Arabic) العربية