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MCCSC Regular School Day Schedule

High School: 7:45 AM – 2:40 PM

Middle School: 8:10 AM – 3:05 PM

Elementary (Tier I):  9:00 AM – 3:45 PM

Arlington, Binford, Childs, Highland Park, Rogers, Templeton

Elementary (Transfer Sites): 9:15 AM – 4:00 PM

Fairview, University

Elementary (Tier II): 9:30 AM – 4:15 PM

Clear Creek, Grandview, Lakeview, Marlin, Summit, Unionville



During the school day, students receive high-quality, targeted instruction in those subjects that meet the standards for each grade level. They include academic subjects as well as special areas or elective courses. Each school has a tiered program of support which monitors student progress with different levels of intervention intensity. The process is guided by student outcome data and uses all resources within a school for prevention and early intervention of academic and behavior needs. Students who have learned the essential skills or standards may be given enrichment opportunities. It is expected that all students will reach their learning goals.