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  • If your student needs to ride a bus they are not assigned to, you must contact the Transportation Office. This can be done digitally by filling out the 2023-24 Emergency Ride-Along Form located on the Transportation tab of Once completed, someone in the office will contact you in regards to your request. If you have any questions, feel free to call us at 812.330.7719.

  • All students who live within the MCCSC district and outside of the walk zone of the school for which their residence is zoned are eligible for school bus transportation. The walk zone for all schools is one mile from school grounds and could include walking paths. If your child is a Pre-K student and attends a Title-1 school or has special needs, they will be eligible for transportation.

    Students whose residence is outside of the MCCSC school district must provide transportation to and from their student’s school. To determine whether or not you are in the MCCSC school district, you can search by your home address on this site. If the results are "Not Available," the address is outside of the district.

  • In determining school bus routes and school bus stop locations, the following shall be used by MCCSC to the best extent possible:

    • Safety first! 
    • Student eligibility for transportation.
    • The distance to the bus stop is less than one-half mile from the student’s home address.
    • Combined bus stops for two or more families living in proximity.
    • Use of public highways and not private roadways.
    • At least 300 feet of visibility at the bus stop.
    • Ease and safety of loading/unloading the bus.
    • No stopping on a 4-lane roadway that would require a student to cross the road.
    • Leaving the main roadway where visibility is limited, or the bus must cross the center line.
    • Avoiding cul-de-sacs or dead-end roadways where buses can’t turn around safely.
    • Any other state regulations and safety practices.
  • Drivers are advised not to drop students off if they do not recognize adults, realize students are not able to get into the home or identify things that seem out of the ordinary. 

    If, for any reason, the driver is concerned about the stop, students may be required to continue with the driver and bus route until phone calls can be made to the parent or guardian. This decision is at the driver's discretion.

  • You can use the VersaTrans My Stop app to check the physical location of your student’s bus. Find instructions on downloading and using the app here.  

    For additional assistance, please call the Transportation Department at 812.330.7719.

  • Your student's school should be contacted as soon as possible with address or telephone number change information. Remember, this information is used to verify your student’s eligibility for transportation services, provide an appropriate bus stop and to contact you in the event of an emergency. It is very important that it remains current and valid.

  • Read about bus safety and regulations on this page. Please review these with your student prior to your student riding the bus and ensure your student knows the importance of bus safety.  

    The safe transport of all students to and from school is our number one priority; like teachers in the classroom, bus drivers have the authority to discipline students on the buses if the student is causing an unsafe disruption. Any discipline on the bus will be reported to the parent/guardian of the student.  

    Certain behaviors on the bus may result in a suspension from riding the bus. In some cases, the parent/guardian may be required to attend a conference with their child's principal.