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Assessment FAQs

  • Each year, we receive assessment windows from the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE). Specific dates may vary slightly by school. Principals will communicate specific testing schedules.

  • The amount of time it takes to receive results varies by test. Due to the open-ended questions on several of the tests, scoring may take several weeks/months. Results will be mailed home once they are received by the corporation. 

  • A computer adaptive test (abbreviated as CAT) is generally one in which each test question, or set of questions, is selected and administered by a computer algorithm that is based on the student’s performance on previously administered items.

    A CAT is tailored to the student’s ability based on whether the student responded successfully to the preceding item. Targeting test information to the student’s ability increases the precision of resulting test scores, especially for very low- and high-ability students, since the student sees only the test questions most appropriate (i.e., that give the most information) for him or her.

    Each time a student answers a question, his or her response helps to determine the next question or set of questions that will be presented to the student.  Some items are adapted as sets if associated with passages or stimuli.

    The difficulty of the test will adjust to each student’s skills, providing a better measure of what each student knows and can do.

    Here's a video from the IDOE that further explains standards-based, computer adaptive testing.

  • Depending on the test, your child may be offered remediation and/or an opportunity to take the test again in the future.  Please speak with your child's principal and/or school counselor for further information.