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Student Services

The Monroe County Community School Corporation values the success of our students and their learning.  Our school social workers partner with students, parents, and teachers to nurture and guide this journey.  

A major goal of our program is to help reduce, and ideally eliminate, problems and obstacles that interfere with a student's learning. When a referral is made we begin by looking at the student's unique situation. Next, we develop a plan that works with the student's strengths. In addition, we look to use the student's positive influences such as support and involvement from parents, school professionals, and community people. Utilizing student and parent strengths, as well as school and community services, are critical in this goal planning process. In the long run we're here to assist in teaching students more effective skills, encouraging them in healthy directions and habits, and coaching them forward through personal and academic challenges. There's nothing more rewarding than seeing our students improve and succeed as they graduate to the next level!

Each of our MCCSC schools has a social worker on-site that can assist students and families in a variety of areas, such as personal and family problems, school issues, and referrals to outside agencies.