Our School Safety team includes 5 School Resource Officers, 1 School-Community Safety Liaison, and 12 Security Guards. A state-certified School Safety Specialist is also placed at each school.
Continuous School Monitoring
MCCSC collaborates closely with law enforcement and the Monroe County School Safety Commission in continuous school monitoring, supported by a robust camera monitoring system.
Preparation and Training
Restricted Building Access
Safety Equipment
At MCCSC, our school safety practices include protecting students’ mental and behavioral health, physical health, and overall wellness. The following practices are used across our corporation to enhance student wellbeing and contribute to positive and welcoming school environments.
MCCSC’s Student Services team focuses on reducing and eliminating barriers that interfere with a student's learning. The team includes social workers at all schools in grades K-12, school counselors in grades 7-12, full-time RNs, full-time health aides, and assistant health aides.
House Enrolled Act 1492 guides all safety policies and practices in public school in Indiana. In addition to the requirements from HEA 1492, MCCSC has also created an Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy that supports safe and inclusive school communities.