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Special Education FAQs

  • You should contact your child’s teacher or administrator at your school to talk to them about the educational evaluation process.  When you make a request for an educational evaluation for special education services, the school has 10 instructional days to respond to you in writing regarding your request.

  • You should enroll your child at their school, bring their most recent IEP with you when you enroll, and share it with the individuals that you speak with during the enrollment process.  The school will contact you within 10 instructional days so that a “move-in” case conference can be held to develop an IEP for the MCCSC school.

  • Your child’s IEP should be implemented as written.  Contact your child’s teacher of record, and if they do not address your questions and concerns, you should contact the building principal.  You may also contact the MCCSC Special Education department at any time. 

  • You can always contact your child’s teacher of record to further explain the IEP.  The MCCSC Special Education department also holds new parent orientation meetings 2 times per year that you are encouraged to attend.

  • Contact your child’s teacher of record and request to hold a case conference.  As a parent you can request to hold a case conference to discuss the IEP at any time. 

  • You should contact your child’s teacher of record as soon as possible.  You could reschedule the case conference for another time or participate by another means, such as over the phone.