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High Ability

The Monroe County Community School Corporation values differentiated instruction and opportunities for acceleration at all grade levels. These opportunities are available for all students, not just those who are formally identified as high ability. Individual teachers and building principals work to develop the most appropriate educational experience possible for each student, including flexible ability grouping in math and language arts and inquiry based learning. Beginning in kindergarten, all students' intellectual abilities are assessed. For students in grades four through eight who demonstrate exceptional academic and intellectual ability, the MCCSC offers the Accelerated Learning Program for Students or ALPS.  In middle and high school, honors and advanced classes are offered.  

We comply with the Indiana Code for High Ability Education and the MCCSC's School Board of Trustees High Ability Policy.

ALPS application due dates

Elementary High Ability Services

The Accelerated Learning Program for Students (ALPS) offers academically and intellectually identified high ability third, fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students the opportunity to participate in academic activities and experiences in self-contained classes that are uniquely designed to provide the challenge and rigor they require. ALPS students complete grade-level requirements as well as appropriate enrichment and acceleration activities in all areas of the curriculum. ALPS students may have grade-level instruction with their age-level peers, including math, special area classes, and thematic curriculum. In their classes, ALPS students routinely engage in thematic reading and writing activities, are required to use critical thinking skills, and are encouraged to develop as independent, self-directed learners. Placement in the MCCSC elementary ALPS program requires formal high ability identification/recommendation by the high ability identification committee. 

The challenges of the ALPS program require both students and their families to make a commitment of time and energy. Students and families who elect to participate in the program agree to work together to ensure that the student:

  • Participates for a full academic year in the assigned placement
  • Produces work of high quality and submitted on time
  • Actively and meaningfully participates in class
  • Maintains a continuous desire to work at a level above and beyond what is explicitly taught in the classroom

For more information on the elementary high ability identification process, please click here

Middle School High Ability Services

All MCCSC middle schools offer self-contained Accelerated Learning Program for Students (ALPS) classes, advanced language arts instruction, and advanced math classes (algebra and geometry) for students formally identified as high ability. The middle school ALPS program offers academically and intellectually identified high ability middle school students the opportunity to participate in an advanced block of classes (science, language arts, and humanities/social studies) in both grades seven and eight. Students in all high ability classes can expect an enriched and accelerated curriculum as well as assignments that are more rigorous. Placement in advanced math classes is a separate identification process based on a student’s current math level and achievement that takes place in May. Middle school high ability students also enroll in additional classes to meet the curricular requirements of the State of Indiana.

The challenges of middle school high ability classes require both students and their families to make a commitment of time and energy. Students and families who elect to participate in high ability classes agree to work together to ensure that the student:

  • Participates for a full academic year in the assigned placement
  • Produces class work and assignments of high quality and are submitted on time
  • Actively and appropriately participates in class and comes prepared to class
  • Maintains a minimum grade of “B” in each high ability class

The Monroe County Community School Corporation values differentiated instruction and opportunities for acceleration at all grade levels. These opportunities are available for all students, not just those who are formally identified as high ability. Individual teachers and building principals work to develop the most appropriate educational experience possible for each student, including flexible ability grouping in math and language arts and inquiry based learning. Beginning in kindergarten, all students' intellectual abilities are assessed. For students in grades four through eight who demonstrate exceptional academic and intellectual ability, the MCCSC offers the Accelerated Learning Program for Students or ALPS.  In middle and high school, honors and advanced classes are offered.  

We comply with the Indiana Code for High Ability Education and the MCCSC's School Board of Trustees High Ability Policy.

High School High Ability Services

High ability classes are self-selected at the high school level and available to any student who meets the course pre-requisites. Bloomington High School North, Bloomington High School South, and The Academy of Science and Entrepreneurship offer honors level classes, Advanced Placement courses, and Advanced College Project courses in many content areas. The high schools also provide release time for students to attend classes on the Indiana University and Ivy Tech campuses.

For questions regarding high ability identification and services, please contact:

Adie Smith, MCCSC High Ability Coordinator,, 812.330.7732, ext 50750.