Good school attendance is vital to academic success. In efforts to keep all students healthy, please see the below general guidelines for guidance on illnesses and school attendance.
Students should not come to school with:
• Fever: higher than 100.4 orally. Child may return to school when temperature has been normal for 24 hours without the use of medication.
• Any inflammatory eye condition with a mucous discharge – especially redness of eyes associated with any mucous discharge, swelling, or eyes that are matted shut in the morning.
• Rash with open sores or blisters – unless child has note from the doctor stating rash is not contagious.
• Vomiting. Student should be vomit free for 24 hours.
• Diarrhea. Student should be diarrhea free for 24 hours.
• Open sores that have a crusty appearance.
• Head Lice: If your child has head lice, contact your school’s health office. After treating your child’s hair to kill the live lice and removing eggs from the hair, students need to be seen by the health aide, licensed practical nurse (LPN) or travel school nurse (RN) before returning to school. Consult your child’s physician for treatment options and guidance. Your child may not ride the bus or return to school until cleared by the health aide, licensed practical nurse (LPN), or travel school nurse (RN). MCCSC Lice guidelines may be found on this webpage below.
Please feel free to contact your student’s health office for guidance.
Acacia Axsom, BSN, RN
Director of Health Services
Individuals who are confirmed to have COVID-19, influenza or other viral illness, regardless of their vaccination status or symptoms, should stay home and away from others. Individuals may resume normal activities when, for at least 24 hours, symptoms are improving overall and if a fever was present, it has been gone without the use of fever-reducing medication.
• If your student is ill, please contact your student's school.
• A negative COVID-19 test, other respiratory virus test or doctor's note is not required to return to school.
• Cardiac clearance is required for student athletes returning from post COVID-19 isolation in accordance with IHSAA guidelines.
• MCCSC will notify families of increased illness related absence rates. While not required, MCCSC will follow the CDC recommendations. The CDC recommends that prevention strategies take place for an additional 5 days after resuming normal activities.
• Take more steps for cleaner air (bring in more fresh air, purifying indoor air, gathering outdoors)
• Wear a well fitted mask
• Keep distance from others
• Get tested for respiratory viruses MCCSC encourages eligible individuals to get vaccinated and remain up to date on vaccinations. For a list of required and recommended vaccinations, please visit the Indiana Department of Education Immunization webpage.
2024-2025 School Year Immunization Requirements
Catch Up on Routine Vaccinations and Checkups
Immunization Letter to Parents/Guardians
Meningitis Immunization Information for Parents/Guardians
Acknowledgement of consequences of incomplete vaccinations
Find your immunization status: If you need to find out your immunization status, follow the steps at this link in order to create your own personal login information. Then, obtain your pin number from your healthcare provider. You can find out your status immediately.
MCCSC Families,
As the colder months approach and we start to enter cold and flu season, Health Services would like to remind you of a few important aspects to help keep your families well this time of year. Good hand hygiene is a key component to staying healthy. Remember to wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. When soap and water is unavailable, alcohol-based hand sanitizer should be used. Remember to cover your mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, discard the used tissue and wash hands after. If your student is ill or experiencing any symptoms of Covid-19 or other respiratory related illness, we ask that you keep your student home.
Please refer to the following when determining if your student is too ill to attend school:
- How Sick is too Sick (IDOE document)
- Guidance on Attending/Returning to School (See above)
As the weather continues to get colder, we ask that you send your student to school with appropriate clothing to ensure that they are able to stay warm. We have a limited supply of clothing in each health office. If your student is in need of a winter coat, hat or gloves, please let the health office know so that we can assist. As always, our number one goal is to assist in keeping students healthy so that they can come to school and learn. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the health aide or registered nurse at your students’ school.
Thank you.
Acacia Axsom, BSN, RN
Director of Health Services
When a student is suspected of having head lice, the health office staff should examine the student's scalp in the health office. The privacy of the student will be protected.
MCCSC Lice and NITS Guidelines
LIVE LICE GUIDELINES: When a student is suspected of having head lice, the health office staff will examine the student's scalp in the health office. Privacy of the student will be protected. If live lice are found, that student will be excluded from school until they return "live lice free" (as deemed per school health office). The student will not be permitted to ride the school bus.
o If student has a sibling at MCCSC, that sibling(s) will also be assessed within the health office.
o The parent/guardian of the student will be notified to pick the student up from school (students are not permitted to ride the school bus until they are free from live lice as determined by the health office staff).
o Educational materials about lice and treatment for lice will be sent home with the student.
o The student and the student’s living quarters should be treated for live lice removal.
o The parent/guardian will bring the student into the school health office for an examination of the student’s scalp after the student has undergone treatment to rid the scalp of live lice.
o If no live lice are found on the student’s scalp, the student will be permitted to stay in attendance at school and will be permitted to ride the school bus to and from school.
o If live lice are found on the student’s scalp, the student will be excluded from school. Further treatment from parent/guardian will be necessary. The student will need to be brought back to the health office for examinations until no live lice are found.
o If upon examination of the student’s scalp after treatment finds NITS (the egg or young form of a louse attached to a human hair), please refer to the NITS ONLY GUIDELINES found in this document.
ATTENDANCE: Days in which the student was seen in the health office and sent home after live lice were found will NOT count against the student’s absence record (any further days that a student is NOT sent home by health office will count against student).
NITS ONLY GUIDELINES: If a student is found to have ONLY NITS (the egg or young form of a louse attached to a human hair), they may return to class and ride the bus home from school.
o The health office staff will call the student down to the health office to examine the scalp every 2-3 days until the NITS are gone to ensure that they NITS have not hatched and to ensure the NITS are being removed.
o A note will be sent home to parent/guardian: Letter to Parents: Students with Nits. ***Classroom checks are performed by Director or Building Administrator requests but are not routine.*** Please Note: NITS are not required to be removed, but if NITS are within 1/2" of scalp, there is a chance even after shampooing that the nits could still be alive. IT IS ALWAYS BEST TO REMOVE ALL NITS TO PREVENT FURTHER INFESTATIONS.
Updated 2/17/19.