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School Enrollment

Students are required to attend a school in the area where they reside.  Please visit the following web pages for more information about school attendance areas and school registration.

MCCSC School Enrollment Procedures*


School Boundary Maps School Day School Closings and Delays

Schools Offering an English as a New Language (ENL) Program

The ENL program is provided at 8 elementary schools, 2 middle schools, and 2 high schools. English learners attending these schools would participate in the regular education program as well as receive specialized ENL instruction from a certified ENL teacher. The length of ENL instruction time varies depending on each student's English proficiency level and/or their academic needs. ENL teachers regularly communicate with other classroom teachers to ensure that all English learners receive appropriate accommodations and modifications in the mainstream classes to be successful in school.

English learners who attend elementary schools without an ENL program are allowed to attend Templeton Elementary if ENL services are necessary. English learners who live in the Batchelor attendance area and need ENL services are allowed to attend either Jackson Creek or Tri-North Middle School depending on which high school (BHSN or BHSS) attendance area they live. In such cases, transportation will be provided for the students.

International Family Welcome and Orientation

The International Family Welcome and Orientation is an annual event held in August for new international students and their families.  It is an opportunity for new families to learn about our schools, the English learning program, and Bloomington community resources.

Support Services

Cafeteria Service: Every MCCSC school has a cafeteria for students. Students do not need to use cash at the cafeteria. Each student has an account for food service. Parents deposit money into the account and students pay with a personal identification code number (lunch code) for the food they order in the cafeteria. Find out more about food services.

Lunch/Textbook Assistance: Your children may be approved for free or reduced lunch and book charges. Applications are available from your school or from Food Services for the federally funded assistance program. You will need to provide information about your family income to be eligible. You can find the application for free and reduced lunch on this page.

Extended Day Care: The MCCSC Extended Day program provides before and after school programs. For more information about these programs, please visit the Early Learning school website.

Transportation Information: Transportation for public school students is provided by MCCSC when walking distances exceed 1.5 miles for secondary students and 1 mile for elementary students. Transportation is also provided for students who need to attend a magnet school for special services such as ENL, high ability programs, or special needs. Transportation requests must be made by the school. For more information regarding transportation, visit here.