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Preschool for Children With Disabilities

Early childhood special education services are available to eligible children between the ages of three and five years old.  With parent permission, evaluations are completed by an assessment team that includes the parents, preschool teacher, and school specialists.  School specialists may include:

  • speech-language pathologist
  • school psychologist
  • occupational therapist
  • physical therapist


Eligibility for early childhood special education services, the specific services needed, and the location of the services, will be determined by the case conference committee, which also includes the child’s parents.  Most young children with disabilities are serviced within our inclusive preschool classrooms. We also provide direct speech and language therapy for young children at their elementary school. 


If you suspect your child has a disability, more details regarding early childhood special education evaluation processes and services in MCCSC can be found on the MCCSC Special Education webpage.


Contact Rachel Kratzer, for information about developmental preschool, evaluations, Individualized Education Plans (IEPs), and eligibility.