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Early Learning Preschool

The Monroe County Community School Corporation believes that young children learn best through active exploration in an environment that is rich in materials and opportunities to converse, socialize, work, play, and negotiate with peers and teachers.  Our preschool program provides learning experiences to encourage curiosity, exploration, problem-solving, and fun in an atmosphere of warmth, affection, and respect for each child.  Teachers strive to get to know children, and plan curriculum based on children’s interests in a way that is culturally relevant and appropriate to the developmental ability of each child.

Children have the opportunity to work individually or collaboratively and are actively involved in daily experiences that include foundational concepts in math, science, social studies, creative art, language arts, music, movement, and dramatic play.  All aspects of children’s growth and development are considered – intellectual, social, emotional, physical, and creative.  Our program is aligned with Indiana's On My Way PreK program and prepares students to be kindergarten-ready.

All MCCSC preschool programs are inclusive programs.  We believe that children thrive when they are embraced as full members of the communities they live in, including school.  This means that children with and without disabilities develop, play, and learn together in classrooms, where they have access to and the support required to participate in all aspects of our high-quality preschool programs.


At MCCSC, we value:

  • Child-directed play as the most effective form of learning
  • Children’s active curiosity and questioning
  • Children’s growing ability to solve problems with adult support and on their own
  • The development of initiative, persistence, and flexible thinking
  • Children’s ability to see varying points of view
  • Children’s holistic development in all areas of learning
  • Children’s intellectual growth and expanded critical thinking
  • Children’s ability to identify, name, and safely express their own emotions
  • Children’s ability to recognize and appropriately respond to the emotions of others
  • Partnering with families, who are their child’s first and most important teacher

MCCSC offers preschool programs for children from age 6 weeks through 5 years old at two licensed centers.  Paths to Quality Level Four preschool programming aligned to the Indiana Early Learning Standards is also offered at 12 elementary schools for 3 and 4 year old children.


Click here to register for preschool


Family Handbook

Contact Us if you have questions or want to know more information about a program that we offer.