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Ready Schools Programs/Services

ReadyUP Programs and Services

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 Monthly ReadyUP Newsletters

5 Focus Areas

Below are some of the activities included as part of ReadyUP. 


Project Based Learning (PBL)

  • Teacher Training By 2025, all MCCSC teachers will be trained in project based learning.  MCCSC already has some teachers who are certified trainers and others who will be receiving their certification soon.  They will train teachers at all our schools.  In addition, four elementary schools have received training are piloting project based learning school-wide during the 2021-2022 school year.
  • PBL Learning Lab Teachers at The Academy of Science and Entrepreneurship have been trained and leading project based learning since the school opened.  As a result, they will be able to share their expertise and host training sessions led by outside experts at a PBL Learning Lab.  This will enable us to continue to grow and improve our PBL opportunities throughout the corporation
  • Online PBL Units K-5 PBL units that align with the Indiana Science Standards were created in a Canvas-friendly format.

 STEAM & Hands-On Learning

  • STEM to Them Mobile Lab This mobile lab will visit every elementary school 2x a year so every student will get to experience robotics, engineering, and design.
  • 4th Grade Maker Challenge Each year, every 4th grade student is given a challenge or problem to solve and they create a solution.  Judges review submissions from each school and the best ideas are celebrated by the corporation.
  • 6th Grade Kindness App Project Students use block-based coding to create programs or apps to answer the driving question, How can we promote a culture of kindness in our school? 
  • Evening of Code This annual event each December provides students and their families the opportunity to try coding.
  • GEMS (Girls in Engineering, Math, & Science) This is an inclusive event that exposes students in 5th and 6th grade to different careers while they get to do hand-on experiments and activities. 
  • STEAM Month Activities Weekly activities will be shared with families so they can work together on STEAM challenges.
  • STEAM Nights/Days at Schools

 Career Awareness

  • Monthly College & Career Awareness Newsletters
  • Virtual College and Career Center 
  • Tour of Opportunity Field Trips (Middle School)
  • Manufacturing Day Field Trip (Elementary School)
  • Expanded Internship Opportunities
  • Career Days/Panels/Guest Speakers
  • College Go! Activities
  • College Fairs
  • Expanded Internship Opportunities
  • Mock Interviews and Job Shadowing


  • INCubatoredu Entrepreneurship Course (Offered at The Academy of Science & Entrepreneurship)
  • mxINCedu Entrepreneurship Course (Offered at all 3 Middle Schools (it may be integrated into another semester course))
  • National Entrepreneurship Week Activities

Community & Industry Partnerships

  • If you are interested in volunteering or partnering with MCCSC, please complete this Partnership Interest Form!  We have partnership and volunteer opportunities that will take as little as one hour!