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Notifications and Language Settings


Users can fine tune their notification settings for both school and notification type. For General Announcements, you can select Digest, Instant, or choose to turn off notifications altogether (excluding emergency alerts and notices) for email, text, and app notifications.

These settings allow a secondary parent/guardian contact to turn off all notification except for emergency alerts.

ParentSquare allows users to customize their notifications settings. This means you can note whether you want, an email, text or app notification. The Instant setting will send all post notifications in real-time. The Digest setting sends direct messages, alerts, and time-sensitive posts instantly, but sends all non-time sensitive posts at the end of the day, reducing the number of notifications you receive daily. For more information on Notification Settings and how to change them please check out the video(s) below.

Change Preferred Language Settings

Desktop Instructions:

1. Log into your ParentSquare account.

2. Click on your profile icon in the top-right corner.

3. Select "Settings" from the drop down menu.

4. In the "Language Settings" section, choose your preferred language.

5. Click "Save" to apply the changes.


Mobile Instructions:

1. Open the ParentSquare app and log in.

2. Tap the menu icon (three lines) in the top-left corner.

3. Select "Settings" from the menu.

4. In the "Language Settings" section, choose your preferred language.

5. Tap "Save" to apply the changes.